Saturday, February 6, 2010

I'm not mean I just say the things most people keep in their heads.

People say that honesty is always the best policy, but what they really mean is that when you get caught doing something you shouldn't you should be honest not that they really want your honest opinion on everything. I run into this all the time and I've come to find 9/10 that when someone asks for your opinion on something what they really want is for you to tell them what they want to hear. I never do. Lets says for instance that your best friend/girlfriend/wife asks you does a particular outfit make her look fat. The socially acceptable answer is, "No sweetie you look gorgeous!." I can grantee you those words will never come out of my mouth if I think you look like an old hippo. My problem isn't the fact that I'm honest it's they way I do it. Where any normal person might say, "Well it's not all that flattering." It's much more likely that if you're a size 9 or up and trying to squeeze into anything leather or spandex there is a good chance that you won't even have to ask how you look because something along the lines of, "Dear God you're not really planning to be seen in that!" will come flying out of my mouth. I'm neither tactful nor subtle and people tend to be more than just a little taken aback the first time they hear me say something. The moments though that I see the most jaws drop and hear the loudest gasps are when people older than I ask my opinion on pretty much anything from religion to fashion. I guess they're expecting me to shuffle my feet and wring my hands and mumble about how I don't really know enough about whatever it is they are talking about. Instead of me looking them in the eyes and serving them escargot when they were expecting chicken. (My attempt at a food metaphor.) I don't really know how to curb my need to be overly honest, but some times I think some people don't ever hear the truth and somebody has to tell them sometime.

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha, the funny thing is when people ask me things about clothes, I really DON'T know. It all looks the same to me.
