Friday, February 12, 2010

Valentines Day

I don't believe in most of the cheesy love cliches. I don't particularly like romance books or movies. I've never been in love. But I love Valentines Day. So many people don't seem to like Valentines Day and I just don't understand why. Valentines day is a day to celebrate love!! Birthdays are so everyone can celebrate your life. Anniversaries celebrate the joining of two people in a relationship. These are both days that we look forward to and appreciate getting gifts on, but for some reason some people get upset when someone showers them with presents on Valentines Day. They ask, "Why is there a day for someone to tell me they love me?’ and I say why the hell not!! Valentines Day is a celebration of love. It is the day we sit aside to bring special attention to that love. Some people have a hard time saying I love you, and on this day take special care to make sure their other knows it. They might say I love you by cooking dinner when you have to work late, or starting your car in the morning for you when it’s 15 degrees out, or just by letting you yell or cry about something. So why not on every February 14 let the person you love buy you chocolate and flowers, give you a sappy card, take you out to a restaurant they can’t really afford, and maybe a candle lit bubble bath with rose petals? Why is that so terrible?! They only guy who will tell me he loves me and give me chocolate this Valentines is my Daddy, but I’m ok with that because he doesn’t have to give me anything to remind me he loves me but he does it because he does. So next time you complain about Valentines Day remember they didn’t have to love, but they do and if they want to give you things you don’t need just shut up and take them and kiss them when they say I LOVE YOU!

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